When fighting against a criminal charge you need to be able not only to understand what is going on, but also to anticipate what comes next. By learning more about proceedings and how we plan your defense, you’ll be able to build your own confidence, knowledge, and hope. Let us educate you for the benefit of your case as well as your future security.
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Exceeding the Speed Limit Can Result in a Reckless Driving ChargeDriving 20 miles over the speed limit or more than 80 miles per hour can result in a reckless driving charge under Virginia law.
Reckless Driving Charges for Driving Too Fast for Highway and Traffic ConditionsYou can be charged with reckless driving, even if you're not speeding, if the officer thinks you are going too fast for traffic conditions.
Reckless Driving Charges for Passing a Stopped School BusPassing a stopped school bus can result in a reckless driving charge under Virginia law, which is considered a misdemeanor criminal offense.
Reckless Driving Charges for Passing at a Railroad Grade CrossingPassing at a railroad grade crossing is a form of reckless driving under Virginia law. Learn what makes this a misdemeanor criminal offense.
Passing Two Vehicles Abreast Can Lead to Reckless Driving ChargesThink twice when you're in slow moving traffic. Passing two vehicles at once can leave you with a reckless driving ticket under Virginia law.
The Truth About Your Miranda RightsMiranda rights must be given in a DUI case, but only after you've been taken into custody.
An Obstructed View Can Lead to Reckless Driving ChargesDriving while you can't see clearly out your windows or access vehicle controls is a form of reckless driving under Virginia law, even if you're not speeding.
§ 46.2-852 - Reckless Driving That Endangers Life, Limb, or PropertyVirginia Code § 46.2-852 acts as a catch-all for reckless driving behavior, giving officers significant discretion in making arrests.
Reckless Driving Charges for Faulty BrakesFaulty brakes can result in a reckless driving ticket if you cause an accident that results in injury or property damage.
Reckless Driving Charges for Failing to Give Proper SignalsFailing to give proper signals indicating your intention to back, stop, or turn is a form of reckless driving under Virginia law.