If you or a loved one has recently been charged with Reckless Driving by Speed in Virginia, you may find yourself caught between the laws of two different states. Calling an attorney is one of the most important things you can do to limit your risk!
In Virginia, this charge is so serious that people go to jail, and are left with permanent non-expungeable criminal records almost every day. Even if your charge isn't extreme enough for a Virginia Judge to want to give you jail time, a conviction at any speed above 80 mph is enough to cause North Carolina to give out a license suspension. That means that for our North Carolina residents, a reduction to simple speeding may not be enough.
Here at Charles Hardenbergh P.C., we have been able to keep almost all of our North Carolina clients from being unfairly punished by the interactions between these two strict sets of laws. Call us right now, at (804) 324-7803, for a free consultation so you can take advantage of your rights.
For more information about Virginia's strict Reckless Driving laws, please click here.