Few Experiences Are More Disappointing Than Representing Oneself On A Speeding Charge
Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off and you’re late for work. Maybe you discovered that your tire was flat, delaying your arrival to your daughter's dance recital. An accident on the interstate might have led to long delays, making you tardy for class or an important meeting. For most of us, these explanations are a good reason for pushing a little harder on the gas pedal.
Unfortunately, the Commonwealth of Virginia disagrees.
There Are Serious And Unexpected Consequences
If you are one of the countless people who find yourself in this situation, it’s important to know that there can be serious and unexpected consequences. A speeding ticket in Virginia can add as many as six points to your driving record, just like a DUI or Reckless Driving conviction. This can increase your insurance rates 22%-30% or more and remain on your record permanently. A simple speeding ticket can also lead to potential license suspension or loss of your CDL certification.
If you find yourself looking down the barrel of a radar gun, there are a few crucial things to remember. Always be polite and cooperative. Don’t argue with the police officer, crumple up his summons, spit on him, or call him names, even if you were not the one speeding. It happens. Someone rushes past you, weaving in and out of traffic, but you're the one pulled over. Remember, the police officer is only human, and is simply doing his job.
If the police officer testifies that you were disrespectful, argumentative, or verbally abusive, in most courts your case is over before it begins. You'll be given a hefty fine, along with court costs, and sent on your not-so-merry-way with a guilty conviction.
Also, don’t admit you were speeding. If the officer tells you it's no big deal and to simply mail the fines to the court, here’s an important piece of information to remember: when you pay the ticket, you’re admitting you’re guilty of the charge.
There Are Solutions
A speeding citation does not need to end with a guilty verdict. There is a solution that comes in the form of an experienced traffic attorney. With a thoroughly prepared defense, your chances of a reduction or even a dismissal increase, especially if this is your first offense.
We can make a huge difference for drivers who live in other states and were simply passing through Virginia. We’ll fight just as hard for you as we do for our Virginia residents, because we know that in many cases you have even more at stake.
Speeding attorney Van Hardenbergh is a Distinguished Graduate of the Virginia Military Institute. He is also a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law. He served as a JAG officer in the U.S. Army for seven years and was a federal prosecutor, trying numerous speeding and DUI cases. Mr. Hardenbergh is a traffic defense specialist, putting his experience to work for clients throughout the state.
It’s easy to get the help you need. Simply call our office, tell us your side of the story, and we can prepare a plan that will help achieve the best possible outcome. The call is fast, effortless, and free.