If you're charged with reckless driving, it's important to be prepared for any possible outcome. This includes jail time. If your sentence requires time spent in jail, your attorney may be able to make that time a little more manageable. It’s important to know some options available to help with your sentence.
What Is a Suspended Sentence?
In the best-case scenario, any incarceration is suspended or credited as time served. If you successfully complete all of the requirements the Court asks, you won't need to serve the suspended portion of the sentence. However, if you fail to follow instructions, the Court can require you to complete the original sentence in full.
Can I Schedule Jail Time?
If jail is ordered, judges often ask the sheriff to take defendants into custody on their trial date. This default option can cause the unprepared defendant to panic, but it's important to keep in mind you do have options even if your case gets this far.
Delayed reporting is the most common method of handling jail time. This means you request time to return home and get your affairs in order before being required to turn yourself into the authorities within one to two weeks. When you have a skilled attorney who is familiar with the local court system, it's often possible to have your sentence served at a time that best fits your work schedule or other important commitments.
Another option is to have your attorney initiate an appeal bond to delay your sentence. This will essentially put your case on pause until your appeal is processed, giving you a month or two to get your affairs in order.
How Can an Attorney Help?
A reckless driving by speed charge can result in jail time, as well as a criminal record and stiff financial penalties. Hiring a skilled attorney to represent your interests is the best way to minimize the impact of one wrong decision on your future.
Virginia defense attorney Charles V. Hardenbergh offers aggressive, experienced representation for your reckless driving case. You can also use our reckless driving sentence estimator to see the results we've achieved for other drivers here. Call (804) 835-5127, or complete our online contact form to schedule a consultation.
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