The cost of a reckless driving charge can really vary quite a bit. The maximum fine is $2,500, but it’s unlikely that most people will get a fine anywhere near that high. Generally, the fines for most reckless speeding cases will be $500 or less. Of course, there is no guarantee of that. In cases in which people are driving above 90 miles per hour, or higher speeds, may result in much higher fines.
How Much Do Speeding Tickets Costs Over Time
In addition to that, the insurance consequences are incredible. A conviction of reckless driving will generally result in a massive insurance increase, which can be as much as $2,000 per year — above what you are already paying for insurance — and that generally lasts for three years. Obviously, between $2,500 in fines and $6,000 in possible insurance increases, a reckless driving charge can cost quite a bit more than just a simple speeding ticket. Fortunately, most of our clients pay very low fines and sometimes none at all, and frequently they will have no insurance increase (depending on the result of the trial).
Reckless Driving Tickets Will Cost You 
The attorney’s fee for reckless driving generally will vary. Defendants can expect to find attorneys across the range of talent and expertise. Attorneys may charge as little as $100, or they may charge $5,000-$10,000, depending on the severity of the charge. To get a free quote, you can simply call the office of any attorney that you feel could do a good job of representing you on a reckless driving speeding case, and they will give you a free fee quote over the phone.
If you've been charged with reckless driving in Virginia an attorney can help you avoid a criminal record, increased insurance rates and other impacts the charge can have on your life. Acting quickly can ensure that your attorney can build a proper defense for your case. Use our reckless driving sentence estimator to see our results for cases similar to yours. Call us at 804-835-5127 to see what we can do for you.
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